Monday, September 25, 2006

Collin & Gramps Fishing

Collin & Gramps Fishing
Originally uploaded by Ryan Claycomb
This past weekend, Her Majesty was taking a tour of her realm (read: Lilah was visiting Mom-Mom and Pappy) so the vassals took a much-needed vacation and headed to D. C. to see family and friends. We had planned to hit the zoo with Gramps (my dad) on Sunday, but threats of rain led us to switch to the Museum of Natural History instead.

I confess, I was a little worried that Collin, who hadn't seen Gramps since we moved to West Virginia over a year ago, might pull his shy routine, at least for a little while. Boy was I wrong! Within a few minutes of meeting up with one another, Collin and Gramps were heading into the mammal exhibit hand-in-hand, while Collin roared his best lion roar and Gramps looked, frankly, a little alarmed. (Hey, we're alarmed a lot of the time. Such a small boy. Such a LOUD voice.)

We saw the big elephant in the lobby. We went to the potty. We saw a lion and some zebra, kangaroos, a walrus, giraffes, a tiger, and the bush babies. We went to the potty. We went across to the dinosaur room, where Collin nearly cleared the building with his triumphant cry: "CERATOPS!!!!!!" (Translation: Look, there is a skeleton of a triceratops. I am fond of it.)

We left the building (no rain, thankfully) and headed for the famous Smithsonian merry-go-round (check out that photo on flickr), but first, we went to the potty. The closest building was the Smithsonian "castle" building, in which Collin was distressed to find no resident king. He insisted on asking the ladies at the information desk, and they agreed with his theory that the king was out for a unicorn ride and would be back soon.

We rode the merry-go-round, then went for lunch at the American Indian Museum, where this immortal photo was snapped. Just two guys fishing, folks, concentrated, silent, communing with nature and one another, you know the story . . .

Anyway, soon after, we had to part ways, but not before Collin insisted on a Fam-i-ly Hug with Gramps. All in all, a very fun day, from our perspective. We just hope Gramps has recovered from all the excitement!

Posted by claycomb at September 25, 2006 3:07 PM


I see that sweater vests have made a return to the Claycomb males! Surprisingly, all the pictures are adorable.
Posted by: Leslie at September 25, 2006 3:54 PM

I heartily enjoyed the day with Collin and his parents and look forward to spending some similar quality time with Lilah. Collin takes after his Gramps in never passing up a public restroom. Who knows when you'll get another chance.
Posted by: Gramps at September 25, 2006 4:43 PM

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